Thursday, July 3, 2008

Until we disappear...

well i have actually reappeared.

i kind of wanted to start this up again, so why not? i tried to do something cool, but i'm not very cool so it faded oh so quickly. and while i don't know how long this might last, i'm going to give it another shot. i don't have much to do this summer, so i should be able to maintain something constant here. however when student teaching starts again, i can't make any promises.

i'm kind of playing with all the old posts that i have here and seeing what i can do with them since my brief attempt at having a music blog crashed and burned since i never kept up with it. i'll just take out some links and play around with some titles. i still want to write about music (and i will since that is what i care about most anyway) but there will be more random things from my days and thoughts floating around.

so here we go.
lets hope the captain stays fast with the ship
(no more brand new references, i promise)


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