Tuesday, July 8, 2008

To pass time in idleness

I've spent the greater part of the day today either watching Law & Order: SVU (either my dvds or on regular tv) or futzing around with my cds. I had the day off and that is basically what i do with my time. It isn't really an exciting life that I lead when I only work three or four days a week. At least I am babysitting Friday and Saturday night. It will give me something to do with my time, and I'll be getting paid as well.

Something that I am excited about is that I'm going to go see Laurie Notaro next Wednesday, July 16th. She is having a reading/signing at some Barnes and Noble in the city. I have only been to one other book signing and that was for Margaret Cho a couple years ago. I requested the whole day off, so I am going to go into the city in the middle of the day and just walk and roam around. I need a day like that due to the twists and turns life has been giving me. So I am excited. I just hope it isn't going to be too warm of a day. I don't want to melt.

I have to be up for work in a bunch of hours, so I am going to lay down, turn on my iPod and try to get some needed rest.

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