Friday, July 4, 2008

I've never been a big fan of fireworks.

[Now Playing] Right Away, Great Captain - In All The Unholy Bathrooms

I mean they are pretty when they are done professionally, I'll give you that one. But when I am sitting in my room and i hear them popping in various parts of my neighborhood, they annoy me. Every year, the loverly people who live at the corner of my block basically take control of the intersection (if you live at the dead end like I do - you either come home before the son goes down or you're driving over a lot of crap). I never went down to watch. I always wanted to, but I never did. The one year I did. It was nice at first but then I got bored fast. It was really loud. Loud things you light on fire? Wow, so exciting.

I spent my fourth of July:
- eating an Enormous Omelet Sandwich
(i was so full, i didn't eat until 3pm)
- doing laundry
(so i have clothes for tomorrow)
- watching DVDs
(Serial Mom & Hard Candy)
- hanging out at barnes&noble
(not the one i work at)
- purchasing a Pro flickr account.
(now you can see all my 900 photos)

and, my friends, that was more fun than lighting things on fire. well more fun than hanging out at the corner, that's for sure.

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