Friday, July 25, 2008

Again? No way...

i just pulled into the parking lot for work and that damn Sarah Harmer song came on again. i fucking don't get it. i think my iPod is trying to ruin my life. but still, i listened to it all and sang along the whole time.

tomorrow i will be seeing the lovely leslie feist. actually let me restate that. if i can go to sleep soon, then wake up at 4am & get a cab in time to get me to the 5:08 train - i will be going to bryant park to see feist perform on good morning america.

helen couldn't go & it is super last minute, so i will be going by myself. i'm kind of bummed about it but it will be ok. i do so much by myself and as long as my ipod lasts the whole day - i'll be fine. plus i am bringing twilight. perhaps i'll be able to get father into it & perhaps understand the hype.

i woke up at 4:25am. i get dressed and am already to call a cab to pick me up.

then i decide not to go & get right back in my pjs

i really want to see feist, that is no question. but in the end should i really going to be spending a whole bunch of cash to just see her play 2-3 songs. normally i don't think this would bug me. but as i saw the clock tick by, i put less & less action into going. it is better for me to be home and not go crazy. saving is a good thing. or really it is just putting off spending it on something else.

speaking of which, i should probably pay some bills. boo. bills are not as fun as listening to music.

alright. you practice counting. i'm going to bed,

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