Wednesday, December 31, 2008

i'm just a boy with a new haircut

i haven't posted anything here in almost a week. christmas has come & gone. i have been working a whole bunch. days that i have work are basically all the same (expect for lunch with sue yesterday. that was a pleasant change in my pattern)

i didn't work today. here is today's story...

i woke up pretty late for me. 10am. lately i have been waking up earlier and earlier. i don't know if it is because of getting used to waking up early or not, but i now seem to wake up ~9am all on my own. but today it was around 10am. so i got up, checked my computer and then went down stairs for some eggo treats. i was planning to into the city to get my haircut today. when i woke up & saw snow out on the ground, i started to not want to go. snow is cold. but since i already had a partner in crime for my outing, i could back out. that sounds like complaining, but it isn't. i always tell myself that i am going to do things and then i back out of them. i should have gotten a haircut months ago, but i put it off. even last time i went, i was outside of the haitcuttery and almost left. so making plans with someone is a good thing.

after planning and taking my time, i make it to laura's house. i leave my car in her driveway and then we make our way to the 12:40 train (after first planning to take the 11:40). after we get in, our first stop is S'MAC. i think i have found my mecca. a place that only serves mac and cheese is a place that i can stand behind. i got the cheeseburger one and was more than pleased. if i lived in the area i would go there too often and would probably die from either cheese overload or a heart attack...which ever came first.

then it was off to astor hair. it is a nice cheap place that cuts my hair quite well most of the time that i go. this time i wasn't too pleased. it doesn't look ugly, but it isn't anything good. i told the woman that i wanted it cut to my chin and choppy in the back. she only followed the first half of my request. i have been to this place a total of 4 times and have had 4 different people cut my hair. the first time was amazing. the third time was really stellar. and the second and this time was nothing special at all. my mom has done better jobs in my kitchen than these people have done in a saloon. i'm kind of upset that i paid money for something and didn't get at all what i wanted. so i am going to have to either live with it or get it fixed. and i think, depending on how it looks tomorrow when i am leaving for work, that i am going to have to go to someone to make it look better.

another point of my outing today was to go to american apparel. i finally got my purple hoodie. i have been dying for one for way too long. i finally gave in and purchased one. i am wearing it now and i couldn't be happier (it makes me feel better because i am not thinking about my hair). i also went to the gap and got this great sweater for only $20. i charged way too much today, but it was all worth it.

barely made the train home b/c i needed a hot beverage (the new salted caramel hot chocolate at starbucks is possibly the greatest thing on earth). someone left their phone on the train and i was a good person and called their 'home' number. i left it at the station house and the guy said that he will pick it up tomorrow. i'm a good person. plus there is karma. and with my luck, it would have kicked my ass if i didn't do the right thing. but really i did what i would have hoped someone would have done for me.

so now i am home and that is all. no new years celebration for me. all i am going to do is upload some pictures from today, perhaps some laundry and watch kathy griffin & anderson cooper ring in the new year. laura invited me to go out with her and her boy tonight to some party, but i have work at 10am, so that limits whatever fun i might have been able to have.

i am going to go pout about my hair some more & play some ds

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