Monday, October 27, 2008

the wind talks back

today went really fast. i was helping out and teaching all day in a 2nd grade classroom. i think it is my last day in that room. i did enjoy them, but i am happy to be able to get back to my kids and my room. it is so different. i think i definitely transforming into a 3-5th grade teacher. i don't think that i can handle the younger ones. but then again, i'll take whatever job someone offers me once i am done getting my degree.

a new Now Playing song:
My room seems wrong.
The bed wont fit.
I can not seem to operate
and you my love are gone.

So glide away on soapy heels and
promise not to promise anymore
and if you come around again then
i will take the chain from off the door.

i have listened to this song more times than i care to admit in the last 36 hours. i am totally in love with it.

i have so much work to do, and i have no desire to do any of it.

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