Tuesday, October 7, 2008

i may need a little push

* watching the presidential debate. i should be doing homework. but i really don't want to. but i have to. boo.

* i ordered 30 rock last month ship to home. i was hoping to get it by today. i was hoping for tina fey in a little brown box. it wasn't here when i got home. so i called customer service earlier to check on my order. when i called i felt like i was clocked in and was talking like it was something i was taking care of for work. it was scary.

* today was a good day at student teaching. but i am so ready to be done and to be working full time. i love what i am doing but i need the money so terribly. having a negative bank balance isn't really what helps me wake up each morning.

* i just realized all the stuff i need for homework is in the car. damn me.

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