Sunday, August 24, 2008

temporary fix

i'm home.

it was nice to see all my family but i had much less distractions than i need in my life. take away the family things, all i did this weekend was read 'watchmen' and listen to basically five albums. i don't know why, but i restricted myself to adele - 19, archer's of loaf - icky mettle, death cab for cutie - narrow stairs & all songs i have by gregory and the hawk (on the way home, i put on pablo, b/c staten island inspired me? and i haven't really listened to them in a long time)

i listened to the adele record the most. there are a couple songs on it that i totally fell in love with this weekend. granted, it is for all the wrong reasons, but whatever. one of those songs is "best for last." it is my new "Now Playing" song on the side of my page. enjoy.

so summer ends & real life officially begins on thursday. i start student teaching again bright & early on thursday. friday i have class and write out a check for $655 to pay for health insurance. joy. but other than the lack of money in my life, i am happy for my life to be busy again. my mind has never been ok when i have enough time to think about all the reasons for me to be unhappy. lately, more of them have been coming to life/resurfacing. hopefully four busy months spent in elementary school will keep my mind somewhat on track.

also tina is home from los angeles for a bit. she is going away with her family at the end of the week but then she stays home again for while before going back to the west coast. after that, laura comes home from oxford for good. it will be nice to have friends that live 5 minutes away from me again.

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