Sunday, May 31, 2009

no one's gonna stop her

[Now Playing] Archers Of Loaf - Sickfile

it is currently the last day of may.
that means it's been quite a while.

life is pretty much the same as was life a week ago.

i went to the straylight run show. it was a great time. like i said before that band was my life 4 years ago and it felt good to finally reconnect with that. i have a crew of my friends that just don't love music, they live it. going to multiple shows and seeing the same set just in a different venue makes sense to them. i was with some of these people that night. the night made more sense sharing a balcony with these people. then we went to teany. i had mac & cheese. perfection i say, perfection.

since my marathon of The Office has ended, i picked up Arrested Development. i'm on season two now and i am really excited to get to season three. i had only previously seen up to season two when i borrowed them from tina. i haven't seen s3 yet and i am on baited breath to see how they ended it. and when the movie eventually comes out? oh what a grand day it will be!

other than that, the rest of the week was pretty standard with some definite highlights. but i can overall say i am happy with things in my life. they are in no way perfect, but i they are more than bearable.

then again, i start my two week on call federal jury duty summons tomorrow at 9am. so this "life is not too shabby" attitude could change more than quickly.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

so in love with all your vices

thursday was a good day
(with haircuts, mac&cheese and more diner hangs)
today was a good day too.
(with vinyl enjoyment, lazy behavior and b&n trips)

normally i would say that i don't think i can get three good days in a row, but tomorrow is all about straylight run at knitting factory. last time i was supposed to see them, i got ill (um, flashback to 2006? weird). but even that night still ended well with a michelle nolan chat. this band was basically life to me in 2004, so i can't wait to see them on stage again. it's going to be time travel my friends.

this being said, i totally give sunday permission to suck as long as saturday keeps on the good streak.

deal? deal.

that being said, i am going to listen to those first demos they put out & probably want to die. but it will be a sweet death, promise.

Friday, May 22, 2009

in stereo in the static age

somedays aren't too terrible.
this one was a pretty good one as far as days go.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Burn down the disco

yesterday was 4 years. it's been a great ride.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

we go past and look at it

any any given moment in my life there is always someone i am pining after that is impossible for me to have. there are many varied situations that this has fallen under with many different people. while painful, it usually turns out alright. i might be still alone, but i have a new brigade of friends. they rarely know i have/had the hots for them. sometimes my friends will tell them after a night of drinking (thanks brigitte) but mostly my they remain clueless.

this is actually for the best because it would ruin everything. they say it is better to have love and lost than to never have loved at all. my personal motto it that it is better to have loved in the shadows than to have loved and lost. i have great people in my life and i would rather be awkward and have friends than to be awkward and be totally alone.

Monday, May 18, 2009

life is peachy without me

my marathon of The Office is over. i can't wait until the 5th season comes out. due to an amazing work schedule, i didn't get to watch it.

the next marathon is either strangers with candy or wonderfalls (i am not sure i could invest in a full SVU-fest at the moment). dead like me & 30 rock S2 are currently on loan, while 30 rock S1 is going to be checked out tomorrow. i need more tv shows. i have the first seasons of Reno911 & roseanne. i need to fill out those collections soon.

i really just need some thing to keep my attenion & take my mind off of all the bullshit that makes me want to die. thankfully, my mind is weak enough to fall for 22 min blocks of quality sitcoms & shitty programming.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

always there by your side

My horoscope for thursday, may 14: It may be quite difficult
for you to understand a particularly odd social situation until
you think about who's got the power. That should clear
everything up -- though it may obligate you to change things.


so lonely but always free

my nights lately have consisted of The Office dvds, decaf coffee, waffles, pretzels & dip, ice cream and (tonight only) raviolis.

and i wonder why no one wants to date me?

Monday, May 11, 2009

you gotta shake it out

broken and broken.

pfft. whatever.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

picking up things that we shouldn't

i make promises to myself all the time. but i break them everyday.

right now i have two going on.

i know by tomorrow i'll have broken one.
in no more than a weeks time, the other will be completely shattered.

i wish i could write this out more specifically...but i don't want to be such a fucking complainer, i don't know who reads this & i don't want to have to face the consequences of my feelings.

starting season three of my dvd marathon of the office today, work is early tomorrow and i have had no sleep all weekend. hopefully i fall asleep pretty early.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

telling myself not to go

i feel powerless.

too at ease and strange

it's been a bit since i was here.
nothing new to report, nothing special.

i don't know....
there are times everything is wonderful and peachy. and then i feel like crap for no good reason.

i'm just going to play some sad songs on my guitar
then block it out & watch the office from under the covers.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

here we go around again

there have been many people who have expressed concern about me & my sleeping habits. tonight i went into bed at ~10:30. i told myself "self, let's just watch a couple episodes of the office & then pass out." it was a reasonable request, so under the covers i went.

over two hours later i found myself texting LD, moving around shit to have a better place to put my vinyls & listening to my ipod.

i am not a smart person, but listening to this record this late at night won't help me sleep:

i have to be at work in less than 7 hours, and i am looking up chords so i can play these songs. it is a sickness i tell you. i know better & should have just put on some nice acoustic set of songs like i had planned.