Monday, December 21, 2009

you ran to his heart wire house

i listened to a good amount of the smiths last night. very enjoyable.

the rest of things are still hazy. i think i am figuring things out. but i'm not sure. i think by the end of the year, i will have things on the right page. this isn't a "new year, new katharine" type statement. just things are so hectic right now with work and schedules that after christmas i will be able to breathe and have some time to do what needs to be done. and hopefully some of the snow will have melted by then. fucking blizzard.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

sometimes you don't say or think

I'm starting to think that things aren't going to ever work splendidly for me. and not that I should settle, but that I should take what is thrown my way. I think everyone in this world want something more grand than they could ever have. but you can't always have that perfect situation. sometime you can never have it.

so what do you do? so you wait it out? see if your ideal will come your way and dismiss everything that doesn't perfctly fit your expectations?or do you work with what you have? take what is given to you even if it isn't what you had hoped?

maybe that less than perfect situation might turn out to really be all that you needed to begin with. who knows.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Funny how I'm nervous still

i'm not confused anymore.

now it's me being nervous, but i'm trying to be positive.
i just don't want to fuck things up before they begin.