Wednesday, March 25, 2009

always the last one to leave

it's been a while.
i should be dressed for work already, but i am putting it off.

maybe when i come home from work i will write something worth writing. but i doubt it.

Now playing: Bayside - Beautiful Girls
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

second hand news

a good day
but i still feel crappy.

hopefully tomorrow lifts my spirits.
hopefully i lift myself out of bed tomorrow to get to sharkey's.

Friday, March 13, 2009

In my dreams I walk with you

right now, i'm just futzing around.

i pre-ordered brother's blood for kevin's looney tunes in store. between his record & manchester, i am going to be going back & forth from there too often in april.

plans for the day include:
- laundry
- baking cookies with laura
- fleetwood mac with lady helen

i should probably shower & get started with my day.

Now playing: Kevin Devine - Carnival
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

did you all miss those feelings

i've actually been super content with my life as of late.

well, this is not counting the ~30 seconds at work today when i started to fade out & wanted to die.

we are going to just ignore that span of time.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

i know what they want

i haven't been here in a week. sorry.

now is where the standard "i haven't been busy, but i just haven't thought about it" reasons for not typing things should show up in this box.

but i'm going to pass on that.

monday was a huge snow storm. i had to work that night. it was changeover. ugg. there is nothing that i hate more than driving in the/after it there has been snow than doin so at midnight when it has now all frozen over. but i made it home alive. so i can't complain.

tuesday was nothing special as i recall. i worked. but that is nothing new.

wednesday was a good day. manchester orchestra played at mercury lounge. lately i have not wanted to go out. it is a mix of getting old & apathy. up until the moment i meet up with friends or get to where i am supposed to be, i'd rather be home. there are points in my travel when i honestly think that i could turn around & have no problem with it. i felt that way last week before matchless. and i felt like that wed afternoon. but from the second mr. hull walked on stage, i felt better. i knew this was exactly where i wanted to be. without rambling on & on, like i could, it was a magical evening. i haven't had this good of a tunes/hangs night in a long time.

thursday was nothing too wonderful. it was a good work night.

friday was good too. watchmen & fridays with sharkey. babysitting at night. i think that was all.

today, not too bad. another splendid work day. i did get a check from the state for $354...which is already spent in my head.

other than that, i don't know what to say. so i shall say no more.